How Branded Clothing Boost Sales
Do you know that wearing a branded T-Shirt can win you an identity in the business world?
Branded Clothing can have a big impact on any type of business and boost sales. Any time the business logo and name are put out into the world, the company has a powerful marketing opportunity. Put the business name and logo onto apparel and you can increase brand awareness and promote your business all over town.
Make Branded Clothing to Boost Sales Now
Benefits of branded clothing
It Unites Your Team
Provide employees with branded apparel as a way to unite the team. Matching shirts give everyone a sense of unity. The use of carefully branded apparel will give everyone something in common.
It Inspires Interest in Your Company
Take the time to design eye-catching apparel and the pieces you give out will create an air of interest around town where your company is concerned. Use a catchy phrase or interesting design that will have others asking questions and wondering what the company is all about. Make sure the apparel includes a web page address or phone number so interested parties know how to learn more.

It Shares Your Corporate Culture
Your corporate culture is easily demonstrated with the branded clothing that’s used. Polo’s or button down shirts create a more professional air. Tee shirts are casual and fun.
“Baseball caps are cool when employees work outside. Use the right apparel to give employees the proper look”.
It Keeps Your Employees Looking Uniform
Give everyone a uniform look with the right branded clothing. Allowing employees to wear their own clothing to work may result in an atmosphere that’s not very cohesive. When customers to come to the office or store, matching apparel on the employees will make them easier to identify.
It Makes a Great Giveaway
Branded apparel is a giveaway that will get a lot more use. Design a shirt or hat with some flair and customers will be excited to wear the item and spread the word about your company.
However the company chooses to use branded apparel, the benefits of this type of clothing are myriad. Give shirts and hats to employees for use on the job, provide it for casual wear on the weekend, or give it out to your customers. Anywhere your apparel goes, the word about the company will spread as well.
Let us help you with your branding today, call us!
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- Published in Printing
Digital Printing
Digital Printing
The greatest difference between digital printing and traditional methods such as lithography, flexography, gravure, or letterpress is that there is no need to replace printing plates in digital printing, whereas in analog printing the plates are repeatedly replaced. This results in quicker turnaround time and lower cost when using digital printing, but typically a loss of some fine-image detail by most commercial digital printing processes.
Digital printing refers to methods of printing from a digital-based image directly to a variety of media. It usually refers to professional printing where small-run jobs from desktop publishing and other digital sources are printed using large-format and/or high-volume laser or inkjet printers.
Offset printing technology uses plates, usually made from aluminum, which are used to transfer an image onto a rubber “blanket”, and then rolling that image onto a sheet of paper.
Offset printing also called offset lithography, or litho-offset is a commonly used printing technique in which the inked image is transferred (or “offset“) from a plate to a rubber blanket, then to the printing surface. It’s called offset because the ink is not transferred directly onto the paper.
Is Offset printing cheaper than digital printing?
Cheaper low volume printing. While the unit cost of each piece may be higher than with offset printing, when setup costs are included digital printing provides lower per unit costs for very small print runs. Variable Data Printing is a form of customizable digital printing.
- Published in Printing
- What is print technology?
Offset printing is a widely used printing technique. Offset printing is where the inked image is transferred (or “offset”) from a plate to a rubber blanket. An offset transfer moves the image to the printing surface. … Currently, most books and newspapers are printed using the technique of offset lithography.
- What are the different types of printing?
The types of printing:
- Digital Printing.
- Flexography.
- Letterpress Printing.
- Offset Printing.
- Rotogravure.
- Screen Printing.
- Who invented printing?
- Who invented printing?
It is a little-known but undisputed historical fact that Johannes Gutenberg did not invent the printi
ng press. Tho
ugh the Gutenberg Bible was certainly the first mass produced printed work, it was hardly the first printed book — nor was it even the first made using movable type.
We all know that Gutenberg invented the printing press but he didn’t invent printing. Over 500 years before Gutenberg was able to mass produce books with his revolutionary machine, Chinese monks were using wooden blocks dipped in ink and pressing them on parchment to create text.
- Who is the inventor of the printer?
The history of computer printers started in 1938 when Chester Carlson invented a dry printing process called electrophotography commonly called a Xerox, the foundation technology for laser printers to come.
5. The Chinese also invented business cards
Business cards are one of the print industry’s most common products. In the 1400s, the Chinese began using their version of a business card. These cards were not used for commercial purposes so were seen as calling cards, used to announce a meeting with another person.
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- Published in Printing